It is very important for men to have good health, especially reproductive health. This means that you need to have good potency for a normal, full life. But sometimes there is no opportunity or desire to go to a specialist, and many resort to methods available without consulting a specialist.

Causes of deterioration in potency
It is more than possible to restore potency at home. It is important to take into account the reasons for its deterioration and then select the right way to get rid of the problem. Many experts argue that in order to improve potency, a healthy lifestyle, the absence of negative emotions, as well as avoiding stress and overwork are important. If stress occurs, it is enough to use herbal infusions that have a calming effect. You can eat natural aphrodisiacs, which are contained in some foods, and also take special medications.
The causes of potency problems can be different, but most often they are divided into two types: physiological and psychological. The psychological nature of the problem may include depression, nervous tension, fatigue, dissatisfaction with the partner, and lack of self-confidence. In this case, the woman’s support and her efforts, which the man will definitely notice, are extremely important. It is necessary to provide yourself with a calm atmosphere and tune in to the right mood. Then the problems that arise on this basis will go away without the intervention of outside methods.
From a physiological point of view, there are even more options. Perhaps there are not enough hormones in the body, there may also be problems with the cardiovascular system or insufficient blood circulation. More serious diseases of the genitourinary system are also possible, which cannot be cured without the intervention of a specialist.

Restoring potency at home
How to increase potency quickly at home? It doesn't take much effort to increase potency. Efforts will be needed when you have to change your lifestyle. Without this main point, it will not be possible to increase potency. Despite the fact that it is very difficult, the result is worth it, especially if you want to maintain potency.
Nutrition, rest and work schedule, as well as attitude to the process play quite important roles in restoring and improving male strength. But at the same time, you shouldn’t put too much stress on the body; you just need to choose a couple of methods that suit the body individually and will not harm other areas of health. At the same time, it is important to remember that each person’s body is unique, and you can find your own approach to each.
The good thing about the home method is that the person chooses for himself the training, nutrition, and time to complete the items he needs. The support of the woman who is nearby is also important. This could be simply attention and moral support or assistance in a massage that a woman can perform.
Methods for restoring male power
In order to increase male potency, you can start playing sports, such as gymnastics or swimming. You can even just start running, which will also have a beneficial effect on male potency. There are also special exercises in which potency returns to normal much faster. All these exercises can be done at home without spending too much time.
You should stop smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages. Or reduce their entry into the body to a minimum. Also at home, people can help to quickly increase potency: traditional methods of treatment, proper nutrition, support from a partner, exercises, baths and some others.

Nutrition and men's health
Before you start improving your potency, it is important to review your diet. If you eat unhealthy foods and drink beer constantly, the body is filled with fats, which have a great impact on the sexual function of men.
It is worth reducing your intake of simple carbohydrates. Eat as much healthy fats and proteins as possible. This means eating fish, eggs, cottage cheese, meat. You can take fish oil. It will also be useful to drink a cup of natural coffee. One cup of this coffee is enough for the result to be noticeable. More than one - the pressure rises, the stomach becomes upset, and disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system are caused.
A properly composed diet has a beneficial effect not only on potency, but also on the general condition of a man’s body. You should not eat on the go, it harms the absorption of food.

Baths to enhance potency
Baths have a very good effect on enhancing potency. Often, in order to achieve a faster effect, contrast baths are used. To do this, you need two basins of water. One with cold, the other with hot. You need to plunge into them one by one for half a minute for 15 minutes. This method should be done in a course once every three months. The duration of one course is 14 days.
Another way to take a bath is to take a bay leaf bath. It is best to do it before bed, as it has a relaxing effect. To prepare a bath, you need to pour boiling water over a dry bay leaf, let it steep for a while and pour it into the bath. You can lie in such a bath from twenty minutes to half an hour. Baths are a fairly simple way.
Another good, but not all accessible, method is going to the bathhouse. At least once a week. A visit to the bathhouse itself has a relaxing effect on the psyche and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Blood circulation improves, toxins and salts come out along with sweat. But this method is not suitable for people with heart disease.

Exercises to improve potency
Not everyone knows how to increase potency at home. But the methods are quite simple. And one of the good methods is special exercises that almost every man who wants to achieve the desired effect can perform. Such exercises are the "ceremonial step", in which you need to raise your legs high one at a time; holding an imaginary stone between your legs, straining your legs. You can imitate running in place by shifting from foot to foot.
An exercise in which you need to fulfill simple conditions has a powerful effect. You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees and spread them, while exerting tension and relaxation in the perineum area without straining your buttocks.
Another exercise is the so-called "arch". To perform it, you need to lie on the floor and raise your pelvis, while keeping your back on the floor. There are a huge variety of exercises, but they must be performed constantly, and not every man will notice the effect as quickly as we would like.
Prostate massage
Often, increasing potency at home can take a man a lot of time; there are methods that are not entirely pleasant for some men. A good and pleasant way out is to massage the prostate gland or testicles. Doctors say that frequent, regular and properly performed massage helps to strengthen the result more quickly - improving male sexual function.
It is best to do a massage before bed, and it is important to remember that there should be no pain during the massage movements. Before massaging the testicles, you need to heat a towel and wrap it around the testicles for a couple of minutes. This method relaxes the scrotum and testicles before the massage itself. Your hands should be warm; it is best to warm them by rubbing your palms. During this, not only blood circulation improves, but important points of the body are affected.
The massage only needs to be done for a couple of minutes. To perform it, you need to grab the scrotum with your index finger and thumb on both sides and begin to make smoothing movements towards and away from the penis. Then you need to grab the testicles with two fingers and pull them down with little force for a couple of seconds. After this, the testicles usually enlarge, which allows the massage to be even more effective. After this, you can massage the testicles in a circular motion and begin to squeeze and unclench them according to your age. This is a fairly simple massage that every man can perform. Massage improves blood circulation and has a very quick effect.
Herbs for potency
Before you start taking herbal infusions, it is best to consult a doctor, as some of them can be harmful to health and have contraindications for use for some men.
If there are no contraindications, you can take nettle infusion. It has a beneficial effect on men's health both on its own and in interaction with other methods and means. The infusion is prepared simply: pour boiling water over the nettle, infuse and take before meals three times a day.
Ginseng has a potency-enhancing effect. It can be taken both as a tincture and as a tea. The tincture is prepared with honey and infused for 10 days. Take in the same way as nettle - three times a day. Ginseng increases libido and generally has a good effect on the body.
Taking thyme infusion is considered one of the most effective. The inflorescences are poured with boiling water and infused. You need to drink it throughout the day.
Also, in order to improve sexual function, you can take infusions: St. John's wort, lemongrass, mint and other herbs that have this effect.
It is useful to eat honey mixed with nuts in equal proportions. You need to eat it one tablespoon after the main meal. The course of treatment is about a month.
A good way to improve your erection is by taking mustard seeds. But a faster way is to apply mustard plasters to your feet at night. You can make lotions on the penis. As a rule, these methods are more than enough, and they are suitable for the majority of the male population.

Quick ways to restore potency
Most men are interested in the question: how to quickly increase potency without spending a lot of time. And there are such ways. It is important to remember that such methods do not give permanent results, these are one-time methods, for example, if sexual intercourse is planned today or tomorrow, and there is no desire or opportunity to use special pills. In this case, a number of these methods will help:
- eating seafood, herbs, sour cream and nuts in the main course;
- hard boiled eggs;
- for dessert, nuts and honey, washed down with natural black ground coffee.
It is this way of eating that is guaranteed to have a positive effect.
You can drink calamus infusion, no more than a glass per day, if you infuse it with water. Preparing an infusion with alcohol is quite simple. For 20 grams of ground calamus, a glass of vodka or alcohol. Leave for 14 days in a dark place. An infusion of alcohol or vodka is added three dozen drops to the water. Take half an hour before eating, three times a day for a month.
A good way is to take a contrast shower; an even more useful way would be to go to the bathhouse. This method improves blood supply to the whole body, and accordingly, the genital organ too. If an immediate effect is needed, there are special drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

You can take a few drops of essential oil with two spoons of honey on an empty stomach once a day. This is an effective addition to other methods.
The majority of the male population does not always know ways to increase their sexual desire. And there are a lot of ways, and often they do not take much time, effort, and especially money. You can do the exercises before bed, taking a contrast shower or bath is also not long and not expensive, proper nutrition costs much less than fast food, so it all depends on the degree of desire. But you can do the same thing not only to treat problems that have already appeared, but also to prevent their occurrence in the future, since no one is immune from problems with potency. A woman’s support is very necessary at this moment, because most problems with sexual function in the stronger sex begin due to nervous strain and poor lifestyle. If both partners are focused on results, then it will not take long to arrive.